"Anybody can do it and become a master as faster reader", Berg said. He was ever live demonstration read The Warren Buffet Way Book with 375 page and How to argue and Win Every Time by Gerry Spence. He took about 5 1/2 minutes to each book and.
surprised he can answer when host test him on the material.
Berg said that everyone can learn to read fast too. He have a workshop in Toronto, USA with Mega Reading Method. Mega Reading courses teach children and adults not just how to read faster, but to comprehend, retain and stay focused. Mega Reading courses is a complete acclerated learning system that doesn't just teach you to read quickly. In USA are dozens of other speed reading courses but Mega Reading courses is different. His study program takes less than 4 hours to master.
Who ever takes Mega Reading courses ? The former president Of Evelyn wood and his family , blind studen, and a woman who was 83 years old. And some corporations.
Howard's program! it takes just a few short hours to master. Its easy its fun. You may become a great conversationalist, your kids may get better grades with less study time, you may make more money in business because you will be so much more informed and competitive. Oke. (MR 2001)